Discover our extensive product range! You’ll find all the details – from descriptions to data sheets for our standard products to customised solutions – in our product overview.

Your benefits
Efficient organisation and fast delivery.
Our logistics services include inventory management and delivery within 24 hours. Our partners offer Europe-wide coverage with optimum transit times.
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Make the most of our extensive stock.
We have more than 100 different cables and leads in stock. If the product you need isn’t available, we’ll get it for you – even in small quantities. If you require non-standard lengths, we’ll cut your items to your desired measure.
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Procurement & management
For 20 years, we’ve enjoyed successful partnerships with highly qualified manufacturers – your guarantee of quality and reliable supply. The procurement of C-parts often involves a level of expense that is disproportionate to the purchase volume. You can drastically reduce your process costs by outsourcing expensive C-part procurement. Our vast procurement network helps ensure you get the best value for money. We assume responsibility for supply and reprocurement, while you retain full control over the choice of cables, leads and wires.

Know-how, specialist knowledge, many years of practical experience - these are some of my plus points I can offer you.
Luigi Serio